
Finding the healing, therapeutic and meditative benefits through the wonders of weaving. Slowing down in life, taking time for self-care, while doing something creative with your hands focusing on material, color, pattern, one thread at a time. Weaving can help with anxiety, stress, grief, and loss, which helps you become a healthier and more grateful human being to yourself and others. 

“Grief expressed out loud for someone we have lost, or a country or home we have lost, is, in itself, the greatest praise we could ever give them. Grief is praise because it is the natural way love honors what it misses.” - Prechtel

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. - Matthew 5:4

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Make a donation.

If you want to support the Healing with Weaving Community Outreach Project that will help get educate the community about the healing benefits of weaving through workshops and having Frame Loom and Paper Weaving Kits available to the public, please make your donation support here or click on this link to make a tax-deductible donation.